Saturday 30 May 2009

first "fancy" picture

OK - so here is Kayleigh first official portrait. Love how it turned out. Was easy to do - propped her up on some pillows, covered with a GIANT white sheet that I then hung over the back of a chair behind her to create the white wall, and got down on my tummy with the camera. Took LOTS of photos to get a good one with her looking at the camera with a cute expression on her face.


Sunday 3 May 2009

OK - I am now a few ounces lighter......

.....after having my gall bladder removed that is!

Keyhole surgery went well, have 4 small incisions on my abdomen. The one in the belly button hurts the worst.

There were 5 gall stones in the bile duct as well - 3 small ones about 3mm diameter, and 2 large ones about 6mm diameter.

Overall - I am waiting for the pain to go away now, and I get the stitches out on Friday. Hope to be able to hold and cuddle Kayleigh in a few more days once my abdomen is not so sensitive.
